Importance Of Applied Anthropology

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3) Applying Application

The study of anthropology aids the overall understanding and comprehension of humans as a species from the dawn of our existence to the modern era. The four anthropology sub fields are: cultural, archeological, biological, and linguistic. All four fields offer insight to the unique perspectives of the foundation and evolution of humans and their surroundings. However, it is the other dimension of Anthropology that is monumental in identifying real world problems and creating resolutions for the purpose of helping individuals or a community as a whole - Applied Anthropology. This under appreciated dimension of Anthropology is essential in helping solve many of today 's world problems, from education to economic development. …show more content…

For instance, anthropology is relevant in education. They act as "cultural brokers" in the fact that they can relay their studies back to the overall ideology. In the educational system, applied anthropology can be used to understand the interaction between teachers and students and their backgrounds, behaviors, and attitudes from observation and interaction. This research can be used an advantage in numerous ways. Having a better comprehension of the process of how children are learning can lead to getting the most potential out of the classroom. Or understanding the individuals background, how they were raised effects their process of learning. An applied anthropologist would have the respect and knowledge of diverse cultures to create an understanding that can help children in classrooms overall …show more content…

In "Homless in Chicago" we see the anthropologist using ethnography with his subjects. He uses face-to-face interaction to learn about individuals on the streets of Chicago who are without a home. He attempts to know more about the individuals by asking direct questions and communication skills. The ethnographer identified a specific social group (in this case homeless people) in an urban context to understand their past and and provide insight on how to aid their future. This is definitely an advantage in understanding poverty in urban developments. (Owiredu, M. May 9, 2014. Anthropology 202 Ethnographic Film. "Homeless in Chicago."). In the film regarding Medical Anthropology, we see how understanding a cultural group and its individuals help doctors provide better care for patients. Janelle Taylor, a Chairman and Professor of Anthropology, explains how when a patient refuses treatment, or if a patients medical regiment isn 't working, how applied anthropologist can solve this. If we get a better idea of the individual and the culture they are from, we can begin to address these problems. This can be done through many ways, such as Marlaine Gray 's method, who is a Medical Anthropologist. She helped children from varying cultures become more comfortable with traditional medicine treatment using art and illustrations for them to open up in different ways. The children become more accepting and

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