Impact Of Social Policy On Social Services

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In this assignment, I will explore what social policy entails and how it influences the lives of the citizen. The social services are the main concepts of social policy and are provided by the state and other agencies to enhance individual and group welfare. The main social services incorporate income maintenance, housing, education, health and welfare or personal social services.

Emergence of social welfare
As early as 14th century a labour shortage brought about a law that sets out how the state would make provision for those who are unemployed. Religious bodies were allowed to collect money to help the poor and the community too were expected to take up some responsibility for the unemployed, sick and disabled. As at that time, …show more content…

Social policy is widely seen to include policy and programmes which aims at dealing with income security and income redistribution as well as well being, education and social services that support individual’s quality of life in the communities. Economic activities by the government and authority bodies such as social groups, charities and local associations bring about the material means to promote and encourage healthy economy. Social welfare is not only determined by the government services as it includes the way families take responsibility for their own welfare such as solving their own problems through their efforts and hard work to earn income that would sustain them. Also the contributions made by the Religious bodies for example tite payment in church and specialised institution they provide for the elderly, mentally ill and orphans is one of the means welfare of people is met (Titmuss 1947, p.30-31). Social policy can include a number of purposes; it can help to distribute resources among members of a country to ensure that good standards of living are maintained, It can shape individuals social and economic behaviours, it can alter …show more content…

Benefits provided by governmental social welfare policy include cash along with non-cash or in-kind benefits, including personal social services. Cash benefits give the beneficiary freedom to choose to enter the market to purchase goods and services and can be further divided into social insurance and public assistance grants. In-kind benefits include such benefits as food stamps, social house, low income assistance free primary education and grants. Personal social services are planned to encourage relationships between people as well as institutions, such as child welfare services; rehabilitation counselling and medical cards which allow people to visit their GP. Social welfare policies also subsidize employers because welfare benefits supplement low and non-liveable wages, thereby maintaining work incentives. If wages are insufficient to meet basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter needs, little incentive exists for workplace participation. Without social welfare, like earned income tax credit, employers would have to raise wages and prices for consumers (John et al 2008,

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