Impact Of Mathematics In Mathematics

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Theoretical Basis Culture provides a means for students to develop conceptual understanding in mathematics. According to Rogoff (2003), “Human development is a cultural process. As a biological species, humans are defined in terms of our cultural participation” (p. 3). The students’ culture has been identified as one of the factors that influence mathematics learning, and that individuals of different cultural groups have different worldviews that are a product of centuries, which will not disappear rapidly because they are far more fundamental than differences among political ideologies (Sharma & Orey, 2017). Hence Sharma and Oray citing Rosa (2010) indicated that culture may have a pervading influence on how a group of people live and learn.
Mathematics is an inherent knowledge in the activities of life, where every activity is inseparable from mathematical activity (Presmeg, 2007; Nurhasanah, Kusumah, & Sabandar, 2017). Muhtadi, Sukirwan, Warsito and Prahmana (2017) recognise that mathematics is a form of culture integrated into all aspects of society, wherever we are there is mathematics. This study intends to investigate inherent mathematics in socio-cultural artefact “Oware” in Ghana. Many writers …show more content…

Hence, Hofstede, as cited in Sharma and Oray (2017) argues that culture influences mathematics through its manifestations such as cultural traits, geometric shapes, values, artefacts, and symbols. This means having students discover the mathematics in their own cultures is a real way to bring life to mathematics and give students the chance to see the significance of mathematics. Teaching mathematics through culture is an awareness that integrates the prior knowledge of students in a way that builds upon what they already know and thus enhancing mathematical

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