Imorality In Emily's 'My Life Closed Twice Before It's Close'

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Have you ever lost a friend or somebody important to you? The answer to this common question is most likely yes. Throughout your life you go through a lot of change and experiences and sometimes you will lose the people that are closest to you, whether it be through death, distance or heat break. As I grew up, I always heard the saying “friends come and go” whenever I would lose somebody close to me. As you get older, you change and certain events in your life happen that make relationships fall apart, for example, you grow apart, you start to like different things, you lose touch etc. Although you stop being friends with somebody that doesn’t always mean you wish them the worse. In the poem “My life Closed Twice Before It’s Close” by Emily …show more content…

She is claiming that she is immortal due to all of the events that she’s experienced in her life. Within her poem she describes immorality as a long awaited expectation for the third heartbreak in her life to occur, it’s almost as if she’s expecting it by now. She says in her poem “A third event to me,” meaning that some sort of heartbreak or loss has already happened to her twice, so whats a third time going to do to her? She’s saying that she’s already gone through it so she can handle it again. In fact, we see that the lines “It yet remains to see” and “A third event to me” within the stanza rhyme. This adds a somewhat witty and sarcastic voice to this poem. She’s done expecting so much from people and is beginning to expect the worst, so that she doesn’t get dissapointed when another heart break does occur. The humor to the stanza is almost as if she’s making her life into a joke. Sometimes, we do this when so many wrong things happen we try and make a joke out of it to make it sound better then it …show more content…

She is saying that whatever is about to come is already hopeless. It’s almost like she’s giving up before it even begins. She is comparing this third event to the other two events that have happened in her life. She claims to be immortal, however she mentions heaven and hell in the second stanza saying “Parting is all we know of heaven, And all we need of hell.” Immortal means that you don’t believe in heaven or hell so she is somewhat contradicting herself here. She’s comparing heaven and hell to her life on earth stating that parting ways is really all she knows. Due to her not knowing of anything or anybody that has stuck along for a long enough in her life without disappointing her, she is saying that the heartbreak she is experiencing is the worst that it can get for her and she doesn’t need to experience anything worse in hell. As hell is supposed to be even

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