Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks Analysis

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The lacks challenge everything I thought I knew about faith, science, journalism, and race. Throughout the “Immortal life of Henrietta lacks “by Rebecca Skloot racism is developed throughout the chapter when Henrietta cells are taken away from her without her consent when she goes to the doctor's office at John Hopkins hospital. Racism plays a big role in today's society because people are bullied and judge because they may have one more kind of skin tone. When Henrietta first was diagnosed with cancer, she had no choice but to attend a hospital that only for blacks because it was a time where segregation still had an impact on black lives. Racial discrimination occurs all around the world many are treated differently due to the color of their skin because it teaches people to make a judgment about others based on the way they perceive someone. As a result, Racism has shaped our society in a way that people are hated and judge because their skin color is very different. For Henrietta lacks that was the case when the doctors at John Hopkin took some her cancer cells without her consent and used it for a social experiment and earned thousands of dollars for each cell, without helping the lacks family with the bills. Racism had an influence on Henrietta lacks because she was a poor black woman with no money to help pay her bills. So as …show more content…

In the immortal life of Henrietta Lacks, the doctors explain that the reason she was black wasn’t the reason they took her cells away from her it was only because they were trying to create a cell that can be pass generation after another and discover how to cure cancer. ( Rebecca Skloot) As a result, the scientist may believe that racism and discrimination were played in the

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