Immigration: The Positive Impact Of Immigrants

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The Positive Impact of Immigration According to Wikipedia, immigration is the international movement of people into a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle or reside there, especially as permanent residents or naturalized citizens, or to take up employment as a migrant worker or temporarily as a foreign worker. An immigrant is a person who comes to live permanently in a new country. For many Americans, the word ‘immigration” conjures an image of poor. The case of immigration has become a major debate for everyone. More than a million people come to the United States for different reasons. Although critics have been argued about the negative impacts of immigrants, but …show more content…

When immigrants migrate to a new country, they fill in the gap of job vacancies and meet skill shortage. Some people believe that immigrants take jobs and spoil the economy, but that is not true. According to Mr. Ian Goldin, he says that “In the US, over a third of documented immigrants are skilled. Immigrants have been founders of companies such as Google, Intel, PayPal, eBay, and Yahoo! in fact, skilled immigrants account for over half of Silicon Valley start-ups and over half of patents, even though they make up less than 15% of the population”, this shows that immigrants also sustain economic growth by working and inventing new ideas. Some immigrants even own major companies. Cubans operate most major construction companies; African Americans entrepreneurs own more than 2.6 million firms in the U.S. Immigrants also bring a wave of talents and …show more content…

Some Americans say that the more the immigrants, the more crime rate increases which is not true. Immigrants who migrate to the U.S know the consequences of being deported to their home country and so most of them stay away from crime. Increase in population by the immigrants also means that the pension gap can be filled by the contribution of new young immigrants who pay their taxes. Increase in population also helps failing schools especially those with failing numbers become transformed because immigrants also bring their kids for academic purposes. Kids who are brilliant tend to raise the school population up, raise the standard of the school which brings in diversity amongst the students and teachers. Immigrants have greatly affected the population, according to Pilardi, he says that “this is not the first time, nor will it be the last, that workers have come across the southern border in great numbers to make a living and to contribute to the U.S. economy,” (387) which justifies the fact that immigrants have great impact on the

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