Immigration Inequality

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There are possible actions that could take place that would help spread word about inequality when it comes to immigration. For one I would pass put flyers during a Donald Trump rally because Trump has an eye for anti-immigration. If I was to compose a thoughtful reflection on immigration that proves immigrants are not criminals, rapist, drug dealers, abusing America’s riches or taking away American jobs. It could hopefully educate those who fall short of knowing the impact and necessary need for immigration. Americans typically like to listen and agree with unjustified statements made by those with power because we don’t question the inequality. Second, I would like to write a letter to congress stating my research that could hopefully change …show more content…

Mexican immigrants are stereotypes as being “criminals”, “taking American jobs away”, and “drug dealers” which all points to making them being seen by the public eyes as less than human. Society is socially set up to believe the lies given through social institutions. Which becomes a social norm to exploit, intimidate, and oppress immigrants. Throughout history Mexican have always been a cheap source of labor and treated as domesticated slaves for the work force. Once society is done using and abusing immigrants, it’s easy to strike fear of deportation in the eyes of immigrants. Police officers use racial profiling and criminalization of immigrants to point out and pull over the “suspicious” group of people. By using force and power immigrants are further more oppressed in the land of the free. Political policies are set up to make sure immigrants don’t have the same rights as an American because they fear immigrants. America fears that immigrants will take away American opportunities when in reality political policies forbid them to have entering legally without going through a rigorous challenge. We make it hard to get citizenship because socially we are set up to think it is a privilege to be an American citizenship and should not be handed over. By inflecting negative myths and stereotypes it further justifies the actions we take against immigrants. This unjustification can be stopped by protesting and educating people on immigration

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