Immature Love

850 Words2 Pages

“ ...Young men’s love then lies/ Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.”, claims Friar Lawrence in the play Romeo and Juliet when he gets the insight of their love (2.3.67-68). Romeo and Juliet, a play written by William Shakespeare which portray a fateful love story of two star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet in opposing families in Verona, Italy. It is recognized as the most beautiful, and heartwarming love story in history in playwrite, but is it? The true feelings of love is like a tree. It might not be as extravagant and astonishing as a rose can be, nor can not be quickly grown as a zinnia, but it is stable, and provide a shade to rest in and a bark to lean on. Therefore, the acts of Romeo and Juliet is not based on true love, because Shakespeare portray Romeo and Juliet in the process of infatuation, the premature love that often completely carries the couple away by unreasonable love and passion for one another.
Initially, the love between Romeo and Juliet occurs unbelievably short period of time that interrupts the development of their emotions. Romeo feels the emotion of love towards Juliet the exact moment he encounters Juliet. Although he claims to love no one other than Rosaline, and he would die without her just that morning, as soon as he sees Juliet, he gets hooked by her beauty and gives the ownership of his heart to her. The transition between Rosaline to Juliet took place too quickly, and as it is a love at first sight, they are unable to fully grown the seed of the love. Likewise, they are married the day after they meet. They merely know their faces and their names, but still shoot themselves into marriage, the ultimate commitment to another is rushed through by their reckless commitment to satisfy the...

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...y, Juliet is willing to kill herself if she gets separated from Romeo. She threatens the Friar with her own life, execute a risky plan that involves faking her own death and follow Romeo’s death. They could have had made better choices, but the immediate desire had poisoned their brains and took away their stability.
Thus ultimately, it is visible how Romeo and Juliet made choices out of infatuation, what they have mistaken to be the emotion of love. As they carried their desire for another to the extreme lines, it had resulted to countless deaths in the play. Unfortunately there are many couples mistaking crush as a genuine love, and follow the dangerous footsteps of Romeo and Juliet even in the present days. It might be confusing and easily mistaken, but remember true love would be like a fully grown tree, supportive and comforting.

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Romeo and Juliet

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