Imants Tillers Blossoming Analysis

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The Artwork that I will be analyzing is ‘(blossoming) Autumn sun’ paint in 2006 by Imants Tillers using acrylic, gouache on 54 canvas boards. Imants Tillers is an Australian artist, curator, and a writer who was born in the 1950’s in Sydney. He is also known for painting ‘Conversation with the bride, ‘The Bridge of reversible Destiny, ‘The Letter I, and ‘The Forming of Place. The artwork is on a white and grey background with lines going across that looks like water and the sun. There are also two trees without leaves and with leaves fallen on the floor with text all over the artwork. Imants Tillers artwork ‘blossoming’ has many elements and principles that are demonstrated in the artwork. These are line, shape, textures, and movement. Line

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