Imagination In Macbeth

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Macbeth Analysis Imagination is the faculty of producing ideal creations consistent with reality. In the book “Macbeth, by William Shakespeare” the main character Macbeth, has been seeing some very strange things lately and they could be real or just a figment of his imagination. It is a very debatable topic, I believe some of the supernatural beings he saw were real and some other things may have been a hallucination. The witches and Hecate are real, but the dagger and the apparitions that Macbeth saw were all in his head. In Macbeth, there are some very nasty witches. They have warts growing all over them and very manly beards. Banquo and Macbeth first meet these witches in the beginning of the book after they get done fighting in a battle. They give Macbeth three prophecies that end up all coming true. “ [1st witch] All hail, Macbeth! Hail to you, Thane of Glamis! [2nd witch] All hail, Macbeth! Hail to you, Thane of Cawdor! [3rd witch] All Hail, Macbeth! You'll be king one day!” (pg 31) Directly after the witches vanish, …show more content…

Right before Macbeth is about to go and kill king Duncan he sees a floating dagger. “[Macbeth] Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand?” (Pg 64) This dagger points to where Duncan is sleeping. I know that this is all in his head because the nights leading up to the murder Macbeth got little sleep because of his guilt of having to do this horrible deed. It is also in his head because every time he tried to reach out and grab the dagger, it moved away from him. Sometimes people who are not healthy (physically or mentally) may hallucinate or act differently than normal. (Macbeth is definitely not mentally stable.) The other supernatural thing that I believe is all in Macbeth's head, is the apparitions. They are definitely not real because they are just random heads that come floating out of the water. That just doesn't

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