Imagery And Symbolism In Ralph Ellison's Battle Royal

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In Ralph Ellison’s short story “Battle Royal” is symbolic in many different ways. In one way it is symbolizes the African Americans’ daily struggle for equal rights throughout our country. The narrator had many obstacles that the character must overcome during his adventure to carry out his speech does represent the many difficulties that they went through to fight for their equality. The main character in “Battle Royal” suffers much. He is assumed to be one of the most outspoken and intellectual teen in his black neighborhood. The young boy has been given the chance to give a speech to some of the more prominent white authorities of the town. The horrible and degrading treatment that he is given in order to perform this speech is mostly symbolic. …show more content…

At the beginning of the battle, the boys are moved into a room where a nude woman is dancing. The “gentlemen” yell at the boys for looking lust faced and hiding their faces from the woman. The men they are showing them all of the benefits of being white skinned could bring, and then telling them that they will never be good enough for it since they were African American. Next they must, play the game, the battle royal. The boys are blindfolded and then they brutally beat one another. This could represent the daily struggle that the African Americans’ fight for equality for the opportunity they see. It stands for the struggle they must endure and will continue to endure. Also what it takes to be accepted as equal persons as our country’s caucasian population after the slavery abolishment. In our ignorance our country’s African American communities battled blindly not knowing what for exactly as the boys fighting in Ralph Ellison’s “Battle Royal”. The battle is directly represents the extreme cruel style of fighting of 10 boys in a ring having been watched by whites in high social …show more content…

The boys are given the chance to gain wealth by taking crumpled up bills and coins some of them appear to be gold off of a rug, when the battle royal has been was finished. The boys went to take the money in their hands during which the money gave them constant jolts of electricity which was secretly wired to the rug. The boys find it almost impossible to not to reach for the money even when they know they will go through alot pain in doing so. This gruesome act is a horrible representation the African American’s inability to grab on for equality. When segregation became an awareness that the African Americans had to endure a lot of suffering just for equal opportunity choices they still was not equal. African Americans enrolled in schools with caucasians still had to undergo racial prejudices and poor evaluation by most of the population. The boys in “Battle Royal” were given the opportunity to get quick wealth, but they had to endure a great physical pain of being electrocuted in the process. Just an add in that electrical harmonics were not as pure like we have it today, electrical shocks in the past were a lot more painful than what you could get today. The men watching again are pleased and consumed by what they see when the just like what they saw throughout the years were amused by the behavior of African American’s. The African Americans were given great things but with a price of suffering tied to it

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