Imagery And Mood In Edna St Vincent Millay's 'Sonnet 30'

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Poems show their imagery and mood in many different ways. In sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare, he talks about his loved one which is compared to a summer's day. He also says she will forever, even after death, be beautiful. In sonnet 30 by Edna St Vincent Millay, she talks about how love is never easy or perfect, yet we would not give up anything in the world for it. The poems may seem very different since one seems more romantic than the other but, they are very similar if you look at it closely. The two poets are illustrating a theme of love and relationships within the literary similarities and differences of the two poems.
Imagery is using descriptive words for the reader to appeal to their five senses. In sonnet 18, Shakespeare says death …show more content…

In sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare, he makes the mood of the poem happy and romantic. He is comparing the beauty of his loved one to the beauty of summer days. As said in lines 1-2,” Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and temperate.” This immediately sets a romantic mood. He seems very in love and happy to be by her side to admire her beauty. In sonnet 30 by Edna St Vincent Millay, the mood seems sad but committing. Millay is saying love is not always easy, much less perfect. It is not easy to work with but it is still something we all want to keep. As said in line 1,” Love is not all; it is not meat nor drink.” Another example is lines 12-14,” I might be driven to sell your love for peace, or trade the memory of the night for food. It well may be. I do not think I will.” These lines demonstrate how the mood seems very committing. She is very committing towards her loved one. He may not be perfect and make her pass through bad times but, she is not willing to give up on him, on them. The overall mood in both poems would be romantic. They stay committed to the person they love. Comparing their loved one to beauty and staying committed to someone's side makes it very

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