Illusion In The Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams

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People have the tendency to block out the things that aren't going well in their lives, this can be called denial. No member of the Wingfield family has a perfect life, they each have various issues. In the play The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, every member of the Wingfield family denies reality and withdraws into their own private world of illusion. Amanda denies how her life turned out, Tom denies the fact his life is boring, and Laura denies herself; they each have a way of coping. Growing up Amanda had it easy, she was popular, beautiful, charming and had a way with the gentlemen callers. She took pride in the callers that would come over, and always charmed them with her wit. She still cherished the memory of her many gentleman …show more content…

Instead of addressing the fact that Laura has a disability, Amanda ignores it. Amanda expects Laura to have many gentleman callers, like she did. In reality, Laura is shy and self conscious, because she has not gotten over her minor disability. Amanda does not help Laura overcome her disability but denies it, and gives in to the illusion that Laura is okay. “Why, you’re not crippled, you just have a little defect--hardly noticeable, even (1.2.17)!” Laura’s disability drove her to miss class every day and go to the park. This created the illusion for her mother that she was getting an education, but in reality she was ditching …show more content…

Jim would call her blue roses, "he thought that I had said Blue Roses! So that's what he'd always call me after that” (64-65). Jim was the only boy Laura ever was interested in, she even told Amanda about him. Tom invited a friend over as a gentleman caller for Laura, it happened to be Jim. When Laura saw Jim, she acted extremely sheepish, she was too nervous to open the door. Jim did not recognize her until halfway through the dinner. Jim realized she was not confident and tried to instill confidence in her by kissing her and calling her pretty. This worked for a hot second, but Laura later retreated to her own world when he said he was

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