Iglesia Bautista Buenas Nuevas: A Growing Spanish Ministry

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Iglesia Bautista Buenas Nuevas is a Spanish Baptist tradition faith, which is housed inside of Good News Baptist Church. Located in the Chapel section of the main church. Iglesia Bautista Buenas Nuevas is not yet a freestanding ministry, but the ministry hopes to become so in the near future. Even so, Iglesia Bautista Buenas Nuevas celebrated its eleventh anniversary in May of last year. Interestingly, I was told that the church just picked a Sunday in May to celebrate this occasion; as the actual anniversary date of the church is unknown. The worship services are held at 1:30 pm every Sunday. Additionally, there is a mid-week service held on Wednesdays at 7 pm. This ministry continues to grow, and giving many the option of attending a church service conducted in their native tongue. To this date, Iglesia Bautista Buenas Nuevas have reached many and currently have 20 active members at this time. Rev. Ron Law previously pastored Iglesia Bautista Buenas Nuevas prior to the current pastor, Rev. Marvin Tobin, …show more content…

The Chapel was filled with cushioned chairs throughout the room with the exception of a podium, where the pastor stood. Beyond the podium, on a wall, stood a large cross. Conducive to the intended audience and the Hispanic culture, there were flags hanging on the wall from Peru, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, and Bolivia on both sides of the wall. The congregation was dressed in casual attire, while the pastor was dressed in a suit and tie. Everyone in the Chapel was bilingual. However, the service was presented in the Spanish language. Five people, of diverse Hispanic origin, sat scattered throughout the Chapel. While the members of the congregation were of different Hispanic backgrounds, the pastor was of Caucasian descent. Besides myself, the only other female was sitting at the back of the Chapel, taking attendance, and looking at the

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