Identity In Tris And Four

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Identity is the fact of being who or what a person or thing is. All of these things had a lot to do with the movie. She was in love with the guy four. And she was really social. They all had to tie together and take tests to see who was the best and smartest when it comes to a bad situation. And whoever was the best would get killed and if you were a bad one you would just have to die on your own because they didn't know how to handle it.

First, Identity had a lot to do with the movie. Tris and Four both had trouble finding out their identities and who they were. Both of them were trying to figure out where they fit in and where they belong, which is hard to do. It took her a long time to figure out where she fit in. She was in between divergent and dauntless, but in the end she was found as divergent when she was dauntless most of the movie. Four is basically trying to figure out the same thing she is. And by the end of the movie, she doesn't know who she is. But four said he knows who she is. …show more content…

But the real definition is trying to change your ways and yourself to try to fit in with another group. Tris tried to do fit in with a group but it didn't really work out the way she wanted. She tried to change just to fit in with the other people. Four tried to do the same thing. But it didn't really work out for him like it did

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