Identity And Citizenship In Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities In Indonesia

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“Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”, the Old Javanese phrase that has been etched into the life of every Indonesian citizen since the moment they were born. The phrase adorns the national symbol of Indonesia, somehow becoming a national motto of the Indonesia. What does it mean? It means, “Unity in Diversity”. With more than 300 ethnic groups, 742 different languages, 6 official religions, Indonesia is a prime example of Benedict Anderson’s “Imagined Communities”. This paper will explore on how identity and citizenship interact in Indonesia through the writer’s personal experiences.
In the beginning, there was never an Indonesia. Indonesia was merely a concept envisioned by the country’s founding fathers, based upon the former area of the Dutch East Indies. …show more content…

From the ever existing tension between “pribumi” and Chinese Indonesians to separatist movements in Aceh, Maluku and Papua. The tension between “pribumi” and Chinese Indonesians was apparent during the latest presidential election. President Joko Widodo at the time was painted as a peon of the Chinese Indonesian business community, who will only prolong the economic domination of the Chinese Indonesian. Regarding separatist movements, these factions dream of independence, to be their own nations which consisted of Acehnese, Moluccans or Papuans. Interesting to note that in Indonesia, the “other” has always been fellow Indonesians of different ethnicity. Only a tiny fraction of the population worries about global flows, what the people have always been asking is their group rights, to be specific, economic. Aceh and Papua, well-endowed with natural resources, are both main contributors to the government’s treasury. Despite this fact, Aceh and Papua lag behind other provinces in terms of basic healthcare, education and infrastructure. Aceh in particular, asked for the right to implement Sharia law, which was granted by the government as part of the peace deal reached in

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