Identifying Depression in the Workplace

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An employee, who is usually a pleasant, focused and cooperative worker begins to show signs of some changes in their demeanor. They exhibit negative attitudes and behaviors toward coworkers. People show signs of discomfort when the negative worker is around and are more at ease when they are not present. The employee’s attendance starts to become a problem. They arrive late and miss days at work, calling in sick more frequently. The employee seems to have trouble concentrating. The worker may be descending into an emotional tailspin. The condition of malaise that may be experienced could very well be depression. "Depressive disorders represent one of the most common behavioral health problems in the work force."

In this stress-filled world that we live and work in, it is important that today’s workforce managers and supervisors recognize the signs and symptoms of depression. The condition if unchecked, could result in an employee acting out aggressive or dangerous behavior, injuring himself or herself, or someone else. As soon as management recognizes a problem in a worker, it needs to be dealt with it in a strategic and careful manner. Clinical depression is a serious type of depression and should be treated as if it were a life and death situation.

This paper will focus on the issue of depression in the public sector, as well as its signs, symptoms and causes. In addition, it will discuss the price of depression from an economic standpoint and the emotional, physical, and psychological effect it has on workers. Furthermore, some strategies that management can use to deal with the problem and how to overcome the condition will be discussed.

What is Depression?

Everyone has experienced days when they feel low-spirited...

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...good mental health.

Staed, John. "Companies Beginning to Help Employees Battle Depression," The Detroit News (Online), , October 23, 1999

Many workers need help with their mental health issues but they are not aware that there are options and accommodations at work via mental health coverage. This article discusses the changing workplace and its view of mental illness. A change is taking place to remove the stigma of mental illness.

Turner, Sandra, "Identifying Depression in the Workplace." HRMagazine, Vol.40 (October 1995), p. 82-84

Depression affects everyone in this nation in one-way or another. Managers and supervisors in the workplace need to be educated about the signs and symptoms of this disorder. Taking a proactive stance on this issue is a cost effective measure and good for everyone involved.

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