Ideal body image

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The ideal body image: We see it everyday. It is portrayed in advertising and magazines, but how many really thinks about how this image effects most young women's lives? not many because this image have become the norm for our society. It have become what the majority of young women strives to attain. This body image have become an increasing problem for our society. It makes women feel that they are not good enough. It have put the world’s young women on a diet, and for what reason? Only to attain an ideal created by the beauty industry. I have been researching this issue and realized that it is causing an increase of eating disorders and low self-esteem in young woman. The unattainable ideal body image created by advertisements, should be changed in order for young women to be content with their appearance.
Everyday all over the world young women is skipping a meal, maybe two or even starving themselves the whole day, because of the unattainable ideal body image the beauty industry have created.This is an issue to the world because the because is sending a negative message to women all over the world. This message makes women feel guilty about themselves. “Woman are deemed below the beauty standard and then made to feel guilty so that they purchase beauty products.” (Nicolosi and Sarvani) If this issue is not solved it will increase, and the ideal body image will keep on getting less attainable for the average woman. “It is commonly known that the average model during the 1950s wore a size 8 and the average woman a size 10: today the average model wears a size 2 and in contrast the average woman now wears a size 12” (Childress) These facts show that the beauty industry is sending a wrong message to women about what being healthy...

... middle of paper ... body image is such a big issue in our world and its solution is to easy to not do anything about it. This is an issue that affects most of the worlds young woman in some way or another and the effects is mostly negative. We all need to do something about this. Go contact the media and the beauty industry and tell them what we want. Models who like the average healthy woman. Together we can change young women's lives, we can live in a world where they will not have to endanger their personal health if they want to feel beautiful. Together we can save womens lives.

Works Cited

Childress, Cynthia. "psychological explanations of eating disorders." Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.
Nicolosi, Lisa, and Sarvani Prasad. "beauty industry." Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.

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