Ideal Learning Environment Essay

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Describe an ideal learning environment. What is happening? What does it look like? Sound like? Feel like?

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
-Benjamin Franklin An ideal learning environment should look like a community, a family, a village etc. This environment does not only include the classroom. It includes the school, the parents, and the school’s surrounding community. Learning does not only happen in the classroom. Another aspect is how the classroom looks. The setup of the classroom is important in how the learning and teaching is facilitated. For example, if discussions is a major part of the teaching, then the classroom should be set up so that everyone can see each other like circle or semicircle. The classroom should also have a personal touch. Lastly, I feel that modeling is important aspect. The teacher should model what they want to happen in the classroom. It gives students a visual of what you want and expect. If you were to pass by the classroom, you should know that there is more than one person in there by how it sounds. It should not be a lecture, but a conversation. Students have a voice. So it needs to be used in the classroom and school. Students’ voices, views and thoughts should be valued in the classroom. There should be discussions and conversions. It should also sound like …show more content…

Students should feel safe enough to be able to open up. This is why it is important that there is openness between the students and teachers. Students cant connect with you and share their selves with you if you are not doing the same. Learning cant happen if students are not connecting with you. It should be a place where students feel comfortable to share their idea and views. In addition, there should be a feeling of love. Students should feel that care about them as a whole, not just that they are passing in your

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