Id Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” - Albert Einstein. According to William Golding, “Every single one of us could be Nazis”, and he believed that all humans have the capacity to be evil. In his book Lord Of The Flies, he writes about a group of British schoolboys whose plane is shot down over the Pacific Ocean and in which the pilot (and the only adult aboard the plane), is killed. All the boys survive the crash and find themselves on a deserted island, where they are alone trying to survive by themselves. Golding portrays their descent into savagery; left to themselves on a deserted island, far from modern civilization, the well-educated children trying to survive …show more content…

The id demands immediate satisfaction and when this happens, we experience pleasure and when it’s denied, we feel pain or unpleasure. McLeod goes on to explain more about id and says, “ operates on the pleasure principle (Freud, 1920) which is the idea that every wishful impulse should be satisfied immediately, regardless of the consequences.” This quote basically sums up Jack’s behaviour because he is acting purely out of his id, ego and superego. This proves my topic sentence because the ego operates according to the reality principle, working our realistic way of satisfying id’s demands, it often avoids the negative consequences of society. Golding emphasis on the consequences of savagery can be read as clear approval of civilization. In the beginning of LOTF, Golding suggests that one important function for the civilized society to block the savagery from one another. Jack's initial desire is to kill pigs to demonstrate his bravery, for example, he is channeled into the hunt, which provides food for the everyone. In the book LOTF, Jack refuses to listen to Ralph’s authority that the dangerous aspects of society. Jack is the total opposite of Ralph. He represents savagery and the hunger for power. In a world where evil easily corrupts one's soul, it is Jack who eventually succeeds and overthrows Ralph. Jack steadily progresses into becoming a full savage throughout the novel. Unlike Ralph who wants to retain a civilized society on the island Jack only shows little interest in the idea of rules, this shows that Jack has a lack of respect and interest for the conch and the rules. Jack says, “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” In the quote it says, “Kill the beast!” This is referring to Simon because in the last three quotes they were referring to the pig, but this one is referring to

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