Ice Breaker Teamwork

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Teamwork is used in everyday life, especially when you get into the workplace. In this essay we talk about many different teamwork and icebreaker activities such as, the back to back, drawing, the minefield, the perfect square activity, the human knot, three truths and a lie, and the one question ice breaker activity. The back to back, drawing is an exercise to improve teams. It mostly involves communication as stated the more communication the better. The mine field exercise includes groups of people to trust each other. This exercise helps a lot during sports teams to help your team come closer and trust others. The perfect square activity is to also work on communication and same for three truths and a lie and the one question ice breaker …show more content…

To create the perfect mine field, you need a large room and some obstacles. The obstacles could include chairs, balls, cones, boxes, or any object that could potentially trip somebody. Once you strategically place the obstacles in the room while still giving walking space, you need to divide your team into pairs. One of the partners will be blindfolded and has to walk in the mine field. The other partner will stand outside of the mine field and give verbal directions. They will give these verbal directions to their blindfolded partner to guide them past the obstacles to the end of the mine field. The mine field practices trust. This exercise is a perfect opportunity to pair up people who normally wouldn't work together, or have trust issues. It forces the blindfolded partner to have trust in their partner, and for the other partner to have good communication and leadership skills. The less obstacles your partner encounters the better trust and communication they have (Manktelow J, 1996). In order to have a strong team you need to not only have leadership and communication skills, but it is also vital to have trust. Without trust, a team will never be able to work together and create the best result …show more content…

This ice breaker helps people work well together, whether it is in a work or school situation. This is how it goes, First, you have a leader and the leader gets to pick some sort of situation such as, marriage, baby sitting, or being a leader of a company. The leader will put everyone into teams and ask if they could ask one question to discover if this person could work right for you or not, what would it be? So, if the leader picked the marriage example, then that team would ask each other one question to see if they are a good person to marry. Them if the leader chose babysitting, they would also ask a question to see if this person is right to watch over your children. This ice breaker doesn't have to be these exact situations you can come up with your own real life situations. It can be difficult but fun, it really just depends on the situation you are

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