Iago Villain Quotes

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Iago is a master of words. He is a schemer, a planner, and a conniving murderer. Iago is one of the main characters in the William Shakespeare play Othello. Othello, written in 1604, shows Othello, Desdemona, Iago, and several others lives pan out, or end in most cases. Iago is behind it all. Iago is the villain behind the life destroying occurrences in Othello, Desdemona, Cassio, Roderigo, and his wife, Emilia’s, lives. Iago destroys many lives in Othello, the main person that had his life destroyed is Othello himself. Iago is the main puppet master behind Othello’s growing mistrust of Desdemona. He even manipulates seemingly innocent interactions between Cassio and Desdemona in the play Othello. One of the many times he does this is in Act …show more content…

Iago is the manipulator behind Othello’s mistrust of Desdemona. The quote shows how Iago manipulates a seemingly innocent meeting between Desdemona and Cassio, making the meeting appear as though they were meeting for an affair. This is not what the meeting was in actuality. The meeting between Desdemona and Cassio involved Cassio asking Desdemona to plead his case for the job as Othello’s lieutenant, which Cassio held previously to the drunken argument and brawl in Act One of Othello. To put it differently, Iago’s main goal in the play Othello was to destroy the life of …show more content…

O perjured woman! Thou dost stone my heart, And makest me call what I intend to do A murder, which I thought a sacrifice: I saw the handkerchief. Desd: He found it then; I never gave it to him. Send for him hither; Let him confess a truth. Othello: He hath confess’d. Desd: What, my lord? Othello: That he hath used thee. Desd: How? Unlawfully? Othello: Ay. Desd: He will not say so. Othello: No, his mouth is stop’d Honest Iago hath ta’en order for’t.” (5.2.54-86). This is the scene before Othello kills Desdemona. This is the moment the he confronts her about Cassio having the handkerchief he gave to her. This is the prelude to the moment when everyone still alive in the play realizes that Iago had been the one scheming behind the scenes for the entire time. Iago pulled the strings a little too tightly before Othello snapped and killed his wife for a reason made up by Iago. Cassio was to be the original and only victim in Iago’s plan. Iago wants Cassio’s job at the beginning of the play, which means that Iago is already planning on ruining at least one life at the beginning of the

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