Iago In Shakespeare's Othello

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' 'Iago uses many different lies to complete his horrific goals. What are some of these lies, and how do they relate to his own goals and motivations? ' '

The tragedy "Othello" by W. Shakespeare - not just a play of jealousy, it is a drama of collision two worlds. One of them is a world of an absolute cynic, Iago manipulator, and a second world - is the world of all other characters of the tragedy. The ability to understand the true nature of people around Iago makes him quickly navigate the situation. Given by nature, the psychological technique of manipulation, Iago can predict the further course and use it for his purposes. A brilliant example of this, when Iago develops a plan to use the best qualities of Othello and Desdemona …show more content…

These questions, endlessly fascinating, often discussed, stand no greater chance of being definitively answered today than they did two hundred years ago when Coleridge spoke of the motive-hunting of a motiveless malignity. In the final analysis, Iago, like all of us, does what he does because he is what he is: "Demand me nothing; what you know, you know '.) Indeed, Iago is young, but he is in the Venetian army already, his entire life correlated with military service. In the course of development activities, Iago possesses not only profound acting skills but also serves as a generator of the criminal spectacle. The mind and ability to mask his plans made characters are instruments of his intrigues. Iago had been jealous because instead of raising him Othello promotes Cassio, he was under the impression that he deserves more this position. Furthermore, Iago says that Cassio doesn 't have any experience at war and he was never on the battlefield. Consequently, his anger turns to the …show more content…

Iago - a man endowed with remarkable powers of observation, which helps him to create an unmistakable representation of people around him. Very often Iago was cunningly pursuing his hidden agenda. For instance, he knows that Cassio is not tolerant to alcohol and he makes him get drunk; he wants to use him as a wedge between Othello and Desdemona.Moreover, he brings up their prior relationship to show Othello that they knew each other, to plant the seed of suspicion. However, in the moments when he was alone on the stage, he speaks frankly about himself and the people with whom he has to face. Iago clearly and objectively expressed the innermost essence of the

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