IVK System Issues Summary

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Barton should communicate in a clear tone. He must also acknowledge all of the IVK system issues. He should collaborate equally with the senior management team and his own staff. Ruben has frequently provided Barton with advice and knowledge to make key decisions. He should follow and trust what Ruben sent him in the PowerPoint slide. He must also answer any of the questions ethically. I found a great article from an ex-wallstreet analyst. https://www.cnbc.com/2016/10/12/ex-wall-street-analyst-and-ceo-how-to-have-an-insanely-productive-meeting.html What I’ve learned from this article is that Barton should not shy away from the tough questions that are asked by the analysts. He must make sure all his ideas have been “battle tested”. 2. How vulnerable is your company to a denial of service (DoS) attack or intrusion? What should be done about such vulnerabilities? …show more content…

What determines how vulnerable you are the preventative measure taken to reduce the likelihood of being a victim. IVK clearly had no proper system in place to reduce the likelihood of this attack. Barton best options are to revert back to the back-up system and lose a days worth of data or shutdown production for the 4 days. The advice given by the website above says that a company should have installed anti-virus software, install firewalls and follow good security

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