IOP Outline: The Great Gatsby And Othello

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Sara Hassan

Period 1

IOP Outline

Statement of intent: Investigation and exploration of the ways carelessness, recklessness and love combine to play a role in the downfall of Gatsby and Othello.


A.All of us have some kind of flaw

1.Whether it is procrastinating a day before a speech or speaking before you think

2.However, there are more serious character flaws that often lead to a tragedy

B.In The Great Gatsby and Othello, carelessness, recklessness and love play a big role in the downfall of Gatsby and Othello.

1.These are two of the many characters that are driven by emotions


A.What is carelessness?

1.failure to give sufficient attention to avoid harm or errors (more of a passive action) …show more content…

In the ditch beside the road, right side up, but violently shorn of one wheel, rested a new coupe which had left Gatsby’s drive not two minutes before.(54)

a.corruption of the 1920’s is present here.

b.Not only our characters show corruption but also our society

2.“They were careless people... they smashed up things and creatures and [returned] back into their money [to get them out of trouble] and let other people clean up the mess” (188)

a.Nick is disappointed of how these people act and react.

b.Fitzgerald chooses to state the obvious on this point even though there are many other significant problems in the story

i. he uses this to emphasize how significant this is as it plays out

c.How is Gatsby careless:

i. he does not stop to think about :

1.if this is the life he wants to live, waiting for …show more content…

Iago is pretending that he doesn't want to say anything more.

b.Othello not once stops to think is this really true and try to investigate on his own or confront Desdemona or Cassio


A.What is recklessness?

1. utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution (more of actions)

B.In The Great Gatsby:

1."What if I did tell him? That fellow had it coming for him. He ran over Myrtle like you'd run over a dog and never even stopped his car"(142)

a.This shows that Tom is blaming everything on Gatsby to get his wife away with a hit-and-run.

b.Myrtle’s murder is compared to the squashing of a dog (simile)

c.disintegration of the human being no value or respect

C.In Othello:

1.“Excellent wretch! Perdition catch my soul,

But I do love thee! And when I love thee not,

Chaos is come again."(120-123).

a.Just before Iago traps him into insane jealousy, Othello expresses his deep love for Desdemona.

b.This foreshadows how when Iago plants jealousy in Othello, unthinkable things will

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