Industrial Relations In Singapore Essay

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I. Introduction Industrial relations always play an important role in economic development of every country in the world. Singapore’s labor industrial relations have become a solid foundation for the dramatic improvement of Singapore’s economy for the last 50 years. However, just because it was very successful in the past does not necessarily mean that it will continuously bring similar outcomes in the future. The rapid transformation of the world will provide new challenges and shape a different set of environment. The ability to adapt to the new challenges and capture new opportunities will be crucial for the survival of the individual as well as organizations and nations. In this regard, this paper will provide a brief explanation about the history and key features of the industrial relations system including the trade unions in Singapore. Secondly, it will provide an analysis about industrial relations in Singapore and its future challenges. Finally, it will provide recommendation for Singapore to form a new strategy in its industrial relations system. II. The Brief History of Industrial Relations in Singapore The story of Singapore’s labor management can be traced back in 1959 when Singapore became self-governing state. The labor condition at that time was turbulent …show more content…

It has a distinctive feature where the major political party (PAP) and the labor movement have a strong relationship. The strong influence of PAP in the NTUC begin in late 1970’s when the Government rewrote the NTUC’s charter and enable non-members to take key position in the organization. It was possible because the government received a full support from the majority of Singaporean to focus on economic development for the survival of the nation. Consequently, the government’s influence has been very strong in NTUC, supported by the fact that some of governing body and delegates are filled by MP members from

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