II Chronicles: The Root And Results Of Revival

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The Root and Results of Revival
Almost all Christians recognized that revival encouraged spiritual life. However, have they understood that revival entailed more than one week of evening services and altar calls? The key to spiritual restoration involved identifying the ground roots of revival. The author of II Chronicles summarized the cause and effect of revival in the following promise: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” The key to revival comprised recognizing the spiritual needs, making restitutions, and receiving restoration through the Lord.
Spiritual awakening formed as people recognized their spiritual needs, humbled themselves before God, and sincerely prayed to become more like Jesus. Revival progresses only as people humble themselves and recognize their spiritual needs. For example, one of the first steps involved in many of the great revivals that took place in history involved just a few people realizing their spiritual condition and humbly turning to God for pardon and grace. II Chronicles also points out that prayer directly contributes to revival. David knew that communicating with God nourished …show more content…

In fact, He assured them that He rewarded those who followed His plan for revival. Because they humbly recognized their need in prayer and sought restitution through seeking God and repenting of their sins, God promised that he always heard their prayers. God never turned a deaf ear to their prayers, but listened tenderly to His children as they sought Him. In addition, He promised to forgive them of their sins as they repented. The last promise assured His beloved children that God would heal their land if they sought him fully. This recipe for revival led to a full spiritual restoration as people obeyed

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