ID, Ego, And Superego In Lord Of The Flies

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Sigmund Freud was a neurologist who had the theory of ID, Ego, and Superego("Sigmund Freud"). The Lord of the Flies was a book that showed a group of british school boys get stranded on a island and what the island did to them. His methods of ID, Ego, and Superego show through in each character in Lord of the Flies. ID represents Jack the most because he is selfish. Ego represents Ralph because he tries to keep the group balanced. Superego represents Piggy because he is smart but weak. ID is the part of the mind that has all the basic feelings and the mind feels want want want("Freud's Id, Ego, & Superego"). In Lord of the Flies Jack best represents ID because he is selfish and has just the basic feelings of wanting to have fun and hunt instead of get rescued. In the book Jack and his hunters were supposed to be watching the fire instead he took them out hunting and the fire went out when they could have been rescued(Golding xx). Jack also decided to be a leader of his own group where they focused on having fun and hunting but no rescue was thought of. Jack has the most amount of ID qualities throughout the book and represents it best. …show more content…

Ralph represented Ego the best because he was always trying to keep the group together and try to get rescued. In the book when Ralph Became leader he gave everyone jobs and tried to keep everyone doing what they needed to survive but they kept stopping and tried to just have fun. Even when Jack's group wasn't being civilized Ralph still wanted to be civilized with them showing that he wasn't giving in to being a savage. Ralph represents Ego best because he is always trying to keep the group together and

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