I Want To Pursue Scholarship

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In my final year of my undergraduate education, my most prominent academic goal is to utilize my remaining access in these studios and time to spend in these amazing facilities to make a body of work that fully reflects my perspective as an artist. In addition to this, I plan to fully embrace the valuable feedback of my faculty and peers and to enjoy the time that is given to fully develop our concepts and techniques. Professionally, my immediate goals are to allow myself to be in a position after graduation where I will be able to continue exploring and making work that is mutually investigative and informed by design. I plan to pursue both residencies and graduate programs that could facilitate this further investigation, but I am also open to seeing how my plans develop and change over the next several months. …show more content…

In conjunction with my work in the textiles department I have also had the opportunity to concentrate in Literary Arts Studies and topics of Gender, Race, and Sexuality. The overlapping space of these three focuses has really allowed me to explore my unique perspective and role as a creator of art. My reason for seeking scholarship is one of of necessity, but it is something that has given me a deep appreciation for my work the my ability to create it within such a vibrantly creative space. As a scholarship recipient and work study student, I have found that the drive needed to balance these responsibilities has been heavily reflected in my studio practice over the course of my years at this school. With my three jobs on campus as well as being a full time student, I feel as though my ability to manage my time and work within constraints has been

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