I Want To Pursue An Agriculture Degree

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Growing up, I was surrounded by agriculture and always wanted to become more involved. Unfortunately, the resources were not there for me to do so. There was not a strong 4-H program where I grew up, and FFA was cut from the curriculum. I found it strange that I lived in a county that contained so much agriculture, but hardly had any agricultural education programs. As a result, many youth were disconnected from agriculture. I firmly believe it is important that people are educated about agriculture to understand where their food, clothes, and other everyday items come from. After enrolling in college I began volunteering at various agricultural events. I came to enjoy working with children and teaching them about agriculture. My experiences have given me the desire to pursue a career in extension, with the hopes of educating youth and the average consumer about agriculture. My aspiration is to help others develop a greater appreciation for agriculture and its importance in society. Public disconnection from agriculture has created a resistance that stands to undo generations of progress. Most people are not aware that the world population is expected to climb to 9.8 billion people by 2050. To accommodate this growth, 70% more food will need to be produced. I believe this can only be accomplished with further …show more content…

I enjoy problem solving and educating others. Whether helping a farmer devise a forage system or assisting a rancher in selecting cattle breeds, I am more than prepared to handle the task. As a person who also enjoys a challenge, I am drawn to extension for its diversity; every day may bring a different task. One day may include giving a public presentation, the next may be meeting with producers to address a livestock issue, and another day may involve working with 4-H youth at a county

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