I Want To Pursue A Degree In Higher Education

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To the Graduate Admission Committee,

I found comfort and safety in school. I once was a shy student, teachers worried because my test scores did not reflect my behavior, work ethic, and participation. I spent countless hours in parent-teacher meetings, with tutors, and counselors. While I did not always excel in all my classes, I remained dedicated and passionate towards my studies. I’ve had the privilege to explore my options in higher education. I originally started my college career wanting to be a nurse. I volunteered in different medical settings but found myself always back serving the community. I then took a strategy from my earlier school years, I scheduled meetings with career counselors and academic advisors. I took their mentorship and sat in on different classes. I became passionate in the classes based in Criminology, like, sociology, political science, and women’s studies. My peers, classes, professors, and opportunities outside of the classroom pushed me outside my comfort zone. The kind of foundation, stability, comfort, and safety I felt in the ability to enjoy school, is the kind of precedent I want to bring in working with communities in law enforcement intelligence. …show more content…

I’m drawn to the field because law enforcement is more than standardized tests. It compels candidates to analyze and conceptualize data, records, reports, and problems of crime and justice. Law enforcement intelligence draws on the empathy that its candidates are dedicated to effective policies and respect the culture, socio-economics, and the foundations of the communities it

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