I Want To Establish An AFROTC Program

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Today, in this world, all life is invaluable. The time we get on earth is limited and how we chose to value that time differs based on our goals in life. For me, I only wish to be an active member of society and contribute to the defense of our nation. I would do this by achieving a dream of mine and to fly planes for the Air Force. Such a task would require me to complete an AFROTC program and complete my bachelorette degree. This is what I have discovered is all that I want to do now, even if it may seem late for me, I have found my purpose. Contributing to this great nation of ours is something I believe everybody should be doing. This is not the case though, many people are not active members of society. Going into the military as I want is the extreme end of that stick. One way I want to contribute is by donating to various organizations. Although I barely have enough to support myself at this time in life, I plan to donate a large portion of what I earn and try to give someone whatever they may absolutely need at the time. …show more content…

My mother always says I would be the “weird” kid who at the playground would be more interested in the bugs and birds rather than slides and swings. My mind is constantly on an adventure and I can only see myself up in the sky. I feel that I belong there, which is why I want to be a pilot so badly. For me, since military runs deep in my family, I see no other option than to go into the armed forces. They without any doubt can put me where I want to be, so long as I show them I want it. Honestly I do not see anything in my path that could possibly stop me from this unless I discover I’m terminally ill or lose my perfect vision. The only way to bounce back from something like that would be a major surgery that would cost thousands upon thousands for such a procedure. In all my perfect reality the only thing that can stop me from being what I want, is in fact only

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