I Want To Be A Therapist Essay

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Ok, the decision has been made that you are going to do whatever you need to do to finally lose weight, but should you seek outside help? This isn’t a necessity and you should never feel like you should seek help from someone else, but it can really help keep you motivated and keep you on track. Below are a list of people you might want to talk to. First off, a therapist. What? A therapist? Yup! The truth is, some of us overeat because we are emotional eaters and we eat when we feel sad, depressed, or bored. They feel that the food will numb the pain or boredom that they feel, and even though it might help a bit, it is terrible for your health. If you feel like this is you then I really do highly recommend you seek the help of a therapist …show more content…

If you are not sure what diet to follow based on your needs then a dietician can help get you started. In fact, if you are serious about your weight loss and health goals, I recommend everyone goes to see a dietician and buy phentermine. I have gone to one before and it was clear that they really did want to help me. They wanted me to be healthy and achieve my dream body. They DON’T just recommend a fad diet to you, in fact chances are good they will talk to you about how fad diets are terrible for your health. They can also do various tests on you to help you figure out how many calories you need to eat per day and also how many of those calories should come from carbs, proteins, phentermine and fats. A Personal Trainer: I am torn between telling you to make up your own weight loss programs (or follow one of mine) or get a personal trainer. To be honest, most personal trainers only have to go to a few classes that last a few hours long, and then they can get their personal training certificate. The only reason I would tell you to get a personal trainer is so you can learn proper form and you can also use them to keep you motivated. However, they are expensive and other than that I really don’t think they are worth

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