I Stand Here Ironing

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In the story “write me sometimes” it explores the relationship between a divorced father and his daughter throughout her childhood and adulthood. In the story “I stand here ironing” represents the relationship between a mother and daughter relationship through Emily upbringing and lack of involvement. In the story “a devoted son” represents the emotions and inner thoughts of the father towards Rakesh. There is often a lack of communication between parents and their children “write me sometimes”, “I stand here ironing” and “a devoted son” have all portrayed poor communication that leads to different conflicts. Formalism believes that all information essential to the interpretation of a work must be found within the work itself. In the story …show more content…

Irony is used to prove a point. In the story there is a lot of symbolism that is shown in the story that represents a connection or irony within the story.

The story “Write Me Sometimes” explores the relationship between a divorced father and his daughter throughout her childhood and adulthood. The main character is reflecting back on her memories as a child with her father in contrast to what their relationship has become in the present day. The story is written in the daughters perspective, for this reason the point of view in which the story is important as it adds to the overall effect of the story because it shows the emotions she is feeling throughout the story. It isn’t the dad’s life we learn about, it’s hers. The daughters memory of her father is associated with their Saturday’s lunches to eat pizza in which they bonded over various interests. As the protagonist got older, she moves to another province for university. In order to maintain her relationship with her father she begins to write lengthy letters to her father. “I write him longer letters than I write my …show more content…

The main character Rakesh leaves to the U.S.A. to attend university for medicine, and then returns as a master in his profession. Rakesh’s mother gets very sick and dies, which causes their family to go through a very tough time. Shortly after Rakesh’s mother’s death, his father becomes quite ill. Rakesh’s father is no longer able to take care of himself; Rakesh shows his love and devotion to his father by taking care of his father. Rakesh is the protagonist, a round character as he changes throughout the story from being a doctor to caring for his father twenty four seven. Varma is an antagonist, a round character as his character changes throughout the story. At the beginning of the story he is happy for his son but as the story continues he starts to feel regret and annoyed with him. He creates the conflict between his son and himself and he is very demanding towards his son throughout the entire story. “No, she said no, Rakesh has ordered her to give me nothing fried. No butter, he says,no oil--” Rakesh's ways of caring for his father Varma causes Varma a great deal of misery. From Rakesh's point of view, he is doing everything he can to just keep his father alive but his father just does not understand and does not appreciate his efforts. From Varma's point of view, Rakesh is taking away all of the joys of Varma's life and replacing them with medicines. Varma

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