I M Not Leaving Until I Eat This Thing Summary

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Assumptions regarding food may occur through sight, smell, and opinions of others. For many people, food that they were not exposed to as children or do not consume in their everyday life may seem eccentric. Countless people around the world like what they like and do not try new things that do not appeal to them. In many cases, different cultures eat foods that may seem unusual to those who do not eat that certain delicacy. In John T. Edge’s “I’m Not Leaving Until I Eat This Thing,” assumptions about food are discussed. During his story, Edge describes his experience at the slaughterhouse where he learned about pickled pig lips. He describes the delicacy as “candy-like” while touring the factory, but when faced with the challenge of eating one, he describes it as plain old carrion. While learning about the pig lips, assumptions fill his head. Throughout the story Edge is trying to work up the courage to eat something that does not appeal to him. By the appearance of the meat, he is squeamish to try it. He assumes that since it is not appealing to his senses, that it will be sour. But after he takes a bite, he realizes that it is not as unpleasant to his tongue as he thought it would be. Trying new foods can sometimes be thought of as …show more content…

It is usually eaten with toast or crackers. The first time I was going to try it I was nervous. I had heard that it was not good. My cousin described it as repulsive and disgusting. I sat at the table, staring at the chunk of dark brown cheese with a dull, sour smell. The appearance of the cheese did not appeal to my senses, which made it difficult to eat. I assumed that it was going to taste nauseating because of the comments my family made and the strong odor. Once I got up the nerve to try a slice I realized that it was not so unpleasant. Trying the new, exotic snack opened my pallet to different foods. Now I eat Gjetost with my toast almost every

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