I Ll Make A Man Out Of You Analysis

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"Feminism isn't about making women strong. Women are already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength" (Anderson). Throughout time and still to this day, women struggle with oppression due to the difference in gender. For centuries, women have been seen as the inferior gender due to their inclination of vulnerability along with inheriting maternal instincts. Men did not become the more powerful gender because of their superior strength, but because they were not occupied within the domestic sphere that were supported by women instead. This independence was rarely granted to women due to them being preoccupied with the responsibility of supervising children, while it allows men to experience more opportunities. The message Disney grants to their viewers is an awareness about gender equality in the world, which allows them to influence the way the world …show more content…

At the lowest point of the music video, Mulan was struggling the most out of everyone. However, when the audience loses hope for Mulan to succeed, she ignores the feeling of defeat and pushes herself to succeed. The tone of the singer sends an ironic message of encouragement with the lyrics, “Be a man” and it pushes Mulan to work harder. Mulan brings the feeling of achievement to the audience when she accomplishes what no other man could attain. The scene portrays the most uplifting spirit with the aesthetic of a sunrise; in addition, all of the men supporting Mulan to succeed. This is the climax of the video where the singer looks up to Mulan, and is symbolic to women being capable of achieving anything when they work hard for it. This scene and part of the song is an inspirational moment persuades the listener into believing they can attain any goal they put their mind

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