I Am Not Rich Rhetorical Analysis

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There are about 7.1 billion people living in this world. Those people have different living situations. Some people live in more developed countries whereas others live in less developed countries, meaning that there are lots of people wealthier than others and lots of people living in poverty. I am not rich. My parents do not have jobs that pay enormous amounts of money, in fact my mother is a stay at home parent. My parents are immigrants and my father works very hard to earn money to support my family of six. However, I go to a school to receive an education. I have a roof over my head. I have access to food whenever I want to eat. I am a healthy and happy teenager. Now looking at all the things I do have, I think i’m pretty rich. On the other hand, there are many people in the world who go to sleep hungry every single day. In fact, many people actually die from starvation, dehydration, and no proper clothing and shelter to keep them safe. Some people are disabled. They have difficulty doing everyday things we do like eating, taking a shower, or maybe even walking. Simple everyday things that we have and use and may actually take for …show more content…

My mother always tells me to finish my food because there are children in Africa who are starving and that it is wasteful to throw away leftovers. When I was younger, I didn’t understand. I didn’t know why people didn’t have food to eat. I simply thought that we can just send food to those countries in poverty by airplane and nobody would have to starve anymore. However, it’s so much more complicated than that, but I know now. That is why I joined multiple clubs at school. One of them is called UNICEF, and it stands for United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. Through this club, mothers and children all over the world in need are helped by us students who fundraise and give

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