Hypnotherapy for Depression

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Danielle wakes up in the morning and doesn’t want to get out of bed. She is wide awake but didn’t get much sleep; and has no motivation to start her day. Reluctantly she gets up, showers, and gets ready for work. She skips breakfast as she has no appetite and heads into work. On the way to her job she has trouble concentrating on her driving; instead she contemplates how useless she feels at work and how helpless she is to change the situation. Once at work she can’t remember what meetings she needed to attend, and forgets about an important appointment with the general manager. To most, this sounds like a bad day. But to her this is just the norm of her everyday life. Danielle is displaying many of the symptoms associated with clinical depression. She is diagnosed with the mental illness and prescribed pharmaceuticals, but when she does remember to take her medicine it seems to cause more problems than it fixes with the multitude of side effects. She wants a different solution or approach to manage her problem. Here is where hypnosis may come into play as a viable option.

Danielle’s story is not out of the ordinary. In fact, an estimated one in ten Americans suffers from clinical depression (Unhappiness by the Numbers: 2012 Depression Statistics, 2012). Someone who has clinical depression may be engulfed in feelings of helplessness, negative expectations, and low self-efficacy. Medications may help by balancing chemicals in your brain, but sometimes the issue is beyond that and it may be more beneficial for the patient to receive some kind of therapy. “Depression is about much more than "bad chemistry"--and it's contagious” (Yapko, 2010). Hypnotherapy may be a helpful alternative or can be used in conjunction wi...

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...angerous medications.

All things considered, Hypnotherapy is an effective means of treating clinical depression. Hypnotherapy may help change expectations through supportive guidance. It may also reduce feelings of helplessness by instilling motivation and faith in oneself. It helps people realize their potential by helping them gain self-esteem and confidence. And lastly, it may be used in conjunction with medications and other forms of treatment if needed. After Danielle stays committed to her hypnotherapy appointments she is feeling dramatic change in her life. She has a new sense of confidence, self-efficacy, and resilience. Hypnotherapy is effective in treating clinical depression, changing expectations, countering feelings of helplessness, instilling better coping skills, increasing self-efficacy, and is a great compliment to other forms of treatment.

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