Hyperglobalism Essay

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Globalizations is the term that refers to the world’s interconnected state, meaning how united different parts of the world are to one another nowadays whether it be because of the new technological advancements. Globalization is a process that involves an important change and transformation in the society between individuals from different communities that are linked to each other that expand from all over the globe. It can be classified as the union of the world. McGrew mentions that hyperglobalist are ending the ruling power that governments have over their own nation. He believes that there are global forces that are working together in order to take away the control that the governments have for their nations. One would understand from Dickens writings that globalization is taking away the power that each government has for their own society, no society remains untouched. Dickens says that hyperglobalist perspective as an approach which sees globalization as a latest era in human history. Hyperglobalist are those who see the world being as one. Those who see no nationality between those common to each other. The globe is now one, as he mentions “we live in a borderless world”. The geographical aspects are no longer cared for and no longer exist. However, Dickens believes a hyper-globalist theory to be false and it will never happen no matter what occurs in the world. The theory of the pro-globalizers and the anti-globalizers come to play. The pro-globalizers are known as those who see globalization as a something good and positive. They are the ones who believe that there should be more globalization occurring in order to enhance the world. Anti-globalizers are known as those who are against globalization and challenge those ... ... middle of paper ... ...efit themselves without realizing the damaging effects it would have later on. He goes on to say that Argentina’s experience involved a fundamental nature of globalization. Argentina realized how national democracy and full blown globalization do not go hand in hand with one another. When democratic policies become overly involved with financial markets, it becomes almost impossible for that nation to get involved deeply with the world economy. Bhagwatti believes that globalization promotes democracy directly and indirectly. He mentions the analogy of farmers being able to eliminate the middle man by selling their products on computers giving them a direct link to their customers. He mentions author’s Martin Lipset’s argument being that economic development does not create social changes. He mentions that social changes may create chaos and make society unstable.

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