Hurricane Protection Research Paper

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f you're a condo association manager or a member of the condo's board, finding hurricane protection products that don't alter the aesthetics of your building can be difficult. When you think of hurricane protection, you may think of the aluminum hurricane shutters that completely cover a window and ruin the look of a building. However, hurricane protection has come a long way over the years, and there are many different types of hurricane protection products on the market. Whether you're creating your hurricane protection policy or looking to recommend an aesthetically pleasing product to your residents, here are three hurricane protection products that won't change the aesthetics of your condo building: Impact Windows Impact windows are great for condo owners because they look just like regular windows. However, don't let the looks fool you. Even though they look just like regular windows, impact windows have many of extra benefits and uses. Impact windows protect homes from a hurricane the moment they're installed, and there's never a need to prep your windows before a hurricane. For residents that live on the higher floors of your building, installing hurricane shutters can often prove to be difficult, if not impossible. Impact windows eliminate this problem and are designed to prevent rain and flying debris from entering the home during a storm. …show more content…

Impact windows will protect valuables from fading and discoloration that occurs due to extended exposure to direct sunlight. Impact windows also provide improved energy efficiency, especially during the summer months. Impact windows can reduce the solar heat gain in the summer and help retain heat in the home on a cold winter evening in Florida. Additionally, if your building is located in a busy and noisy area, impact windows can help reduce the level of noise from

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