Hunger Monologues

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It all comes back in flashes, the agonizing hunger, the deaths, and the lack of emotions. Suddenly I was back in that place, back in the crowded bunkers. Scavenging for food that I know I wouldn’t be able to find, giving up everything I owned, which wasn’t much, for an extra ration of bread. Everytime I close my eyes I see the smoke from the crematory and the bodies of the deceased scattered around my feet. Stepping over the bodies was something I got used to, but the images of the dead will never leave my mind. I haven’t talked about my experience to anyone but my therapist and my brother, but I feel that I need to approach my coping methods in a different way, facing what happened and telling my story.

Every member of my family, except …show more content…

I have yet to paint a single happy painting, I paint what I feel, and it’s been many years since I have been happy. Of course whenever I see my brother I am reminded that he could be gone, that things could always be worse. That’s something I have learned, that no matter how terrible it’s going, it can always be worse. I never thought that life could be that bad, that it could steal everything you’ve ever known and the rest of the world goes on. No one but the victims of something this horrendous will truly understand what it’s like to have to suffer while everyone keeps going. Sometimes I wonder why did I survive, other times I wonder why I was put through this in the first place. I try not to pity myself, but self pity is something that’s hard to avoid when you are accompanied by a large burden of guilt. I read many books, but my brothers are extremely hard to read. To see what he went through, while I was going through it myself. His experience contained a lot of physical labor and abuse. He was beaten several times because he actually “stood up” for people. I say that in quotations because their was only so much confrontation you could do, if any, if you wanted to live. He often gave people his soup, people that were weaker than him, he stood in the back of the line. He stood in front at selections. I truly cannot believe he is still with me today, but without him, I probably wouldn’t be here either. Now a days, I see him often. I sometimes cook for us and we talk about anything imaginable. That’s another thing I do, cook. I love cooking and baking, it distracts me from the reality of my life. In both cooking and baking you have exact guidelines that you follow, no surprises, just the organized steps that are already set in place. That is the complete opposite of how my life has been, so I use my hobbies as a getaway from my memories. Actually, they are

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