Humbaba In Gilgamesh

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Humbaba is the guardian of the Forest of Cedar and “his speech is fire and his breath is death”, he is a terrifying monster such that he even terrifies child of nature Enkidu. In addition, Humbaba is a clever and cunning creature, he speaks with them instead of attacking, he tries to build a connection with Gilgamesh and break the bond with Enkidu. He speaks like a king by saying “Why have you come here into my presence?” and he makes a connection king to king. Humbaba speaks for a direct purpose and tries to manipulate Enkidu by trying to convince Enkidu to betray Gilgamesh by saying “Enkidu, you spawn of a fish, who knew no father, who sucked no mother’s milk” he points out that you came from an egg, you are not animal nor human-a mammal. …show more content…

Although, gods are everywhere, they do not know everything. It generally takes some time to learn the information. Sometimes they do not even explore the truth. Due to that fact, Enkidu insists Gilgamesh to kill him “before Enlil the foremost hears what they do”. when Gilgamesh hesitates. PS: According to the changes that I have made in the story, Enlil is going to punish Enkidu because he killed his forest’s guardian …show more content…

• Pierce Brosnan as The hunter & Jack Dylan Grazer as The hunter’s son:
The trappers are the people who live in the edge of human existence and hunting is their mainstay. Because of that, if they cannot hunt, they cannot stay alive so, Enkidu needs to be moved away from the wild. Therefore, as hunters explore Enkidu at a watering hole, they find the solution at seducing him by help of prostitute Shamhat.
Which locations will be chosen?
For the scenes of combat with Humbaba, we will shoot in forests of cedar in Elmalı, Antalya because in Turkey the oldest and the thickest Cedar trees are located in Antalya. For the scenes which occur in the city of Uruk, I offer Ephesus. Although southeastern of Turkey is the closest place to real city of Uruk which is in Mesopotamia, at the present time we have not well-preserved historical ruin in Southeastern Anatolia. In spite of that, Ephesus is one of the best preserved historical places in Turkey therefore, I offer Ephesus. However, the architecture will not be representing Mesopotamian architecture but, we can overcome this situation by applying some visual effects on the

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