Humans are Destined to Explore Beyond Our Planet's Boundaries

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The human race as a whole now seems destined to explore beyond the boundaries of our own planet. Motivation to do so varies greatly from person to person; however, moving out into the unknown regions of space is a necessary endeavor to secure a future for mankind. Many have argued over whether our extraterrestrial endeavors need to be funded privately by companies or publicly by the government. There have been many fears related to this topic, including the belief that the privatization of space travel will cause science to play second fiddle to profit. This, however, is simply not true and has been proven time and time again with the advancements industry has made. NASA and many other space programs have made numerous important advancements in all major fields of civilization. A large factor in this advancement was due to the Cold War and the Space Race that resulted from it. With two of the largest powers in the world racing to dominate the ultimate high ground, massive amounts of funds were put into the research and development of new technologies, and scientific advancement progressed at a rapid pace. Unfortunately, with the space race being concluded and the Apollo missions coming to an end, the government’s interest in space exploration went on a sharp decline. The main cause of NASA’s deterioration was a product of simple numbers. A single mission to the moon cost millions, with the final cost of Project Apollo reported to Congress as $25.4 billion. This has made space exploration unreasonable to the American government, which was already dealing with a precarious budget for many years. With so many of the world’s economies in a state of recession, procuring the vast amounts of funds needed to continue the exploration of space has become increasingly difficult. A corporation-based space program would make priorities out of researching and developing new transportation technologies. A commercial space flight program could easily become the catalyst for creating the fresh technology needed to create civilian passenger space vehicles. This may sound like an unnecessary endeavor, but it would actually be a real solution to many of the problems accompanying commercial flight as we know it today. Even though we already possess the ability to travel just about anywhere on the planet, the process is expensive and often quite time-consuming. Commercial flights from California to Germany take roughly thirteen hours of flight time to complete, but if a craft were to carry passengers in a low non-geosynchronous orbit, it would cut the flight time down to about a half-hour.

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