A Life Changing Experience Of Studying The Humanities Course

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For many Americans, the event of attending college is a life changing experience; this experience is meant to enhance an individual’s knowledge of a specific subject matter, and to broaden that person’s cultural horizons. Students are often required to take Humanities courses, and are encouraged to discover the rationale behind studying the humanities. For some, this course is just one required for that individual to obtain their overall degree, and for others, this course can be life altering, because it allows an individual to gain a broader knowledge of the world that they live in. The studies of Humanities is essential for modern society to understand their past, present, and to use as a guide for future generations. Humanities can touch …show more content…

After reviewing the syllabus, and reading the various reading assignments given in the week one module, I believed I would be discussing historically significant cultures, most of which would be European. I expect to discuss topics ranging from Prehistoric cultures to cultures such as the Roman Empire. This course appeared to be exciting and I believed this course would be beneficial for me since I interact with persons of varying cultures on a daily basis within my workplace. I hope to gain a deeper knowledge of historical societies specifically the Roman and Greek societies. I have taken a one prior humanities course, and wished to take a course that delved into a deeper discussion of Western Humanities, which I enjoyed learning more than the brief lessons on Eastern Humanities I had been lectured about. I am excited to participating in a course that will expand my knowledge of the surrounding world, and think that the studies of Humanities is encouraged at colleges to do just that: enhance and expand student’s knowledge of their surrounding world. This course should be required to ensure that students are culturally aware of the world they live in, and is used a bridge to educate students of their environment around them while linking that environment to their past. Humanities seeks to educate individuals of their importance in society, as well as their significance …show more content…

Within the first chapter, students are introduced to the significance of myths to prehistorical societies. The study of mythology has always been stimulating to me, and I enjoyed reading the material that discussed the significance of myths to some ancient cultures. According to the text, myths “[embody] the culture’s vies and beliefs about its world, often serving to explain otherwise mysterious phenomenon” (Sayre, 2014). This quote stood out to me because it highlights the notion that myth’s to ancient cultures were more than wise stories that elders told younger generations to pass the time, those stories held significantly important cultural value to the societies. The study of myths and their significance is such a detailed subject, that unfortunately this course will not be able to discuss the subject in detail, but nevertheless, the course content still accentuates the idea that myths were culturally and historically significant for a variety of cultures, dating back to prehistoric cultures. I was unaware that there were prehistoric cultures that kept an account of their own mythology and related oral-history tales, I was surprised to read that mythology dated to the prehistoric era, but more specifically, I was intrigued by the text’s discussion of the role of mythology in the Anasazi people. The text’s discussion of the Anasazi’s cultural

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