Human Services Organization And HSO

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A social agency is an organization providing some designated client population who experience some defined needs. Services are providing according to prescribed set policies regarding how the agency staff should accomplished their service provision goals. There are a number of concepts can characterize as a social agency. There is human services organization (HSO) that are run by the government and usually regulated by laws impacting policy. An example of HSO is public welfare department (Kirst-Ashman, 2014). Another concept is community base organization (COB). COB is run by people who are not employed by the government. CBO and HSO both provide some designated social services (Kirst-Ashman, 2014). HSO and CBO have values that …show more content…

Both organization focuses are on prevention of the issue that an individual and families may have. Both goals is maintaining or improving the overall quality of life of service populations. Both organizations purpose is to assist individual and families to function as effectively as possible in their personal and in the community. Both goal address problems as well improve the overall quality of life for clients. At first glance, the both organization appears to be almost the same thing. Both organizations involve o helping clients and help educate the clients to finds ways to solve social issues. However, the particular of HSO and CBO has differences as well. Though the two organizations share many similarities in mission and goals, COB and HSO ultimately work in different ways to address the needs of those they serve. A COB focuses a target population. COB focuses on a single issue and provides services from that need .HOB on the other hand, work directly with clients to implement social programs. They many type of department available to their client that has more than on issue (Kirst-Ashman, 2014). In HSO the budgets involve money allocated for certain programs. There is no freedom to move money from one program to another. In the COB have executive management and board of directors. In HSO has to deal with a legislative body made that make policy that is not flexible. CBO you have more flexibility to met the need of clients (Netting, Kettner, McMurty, & M,

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