Human Evolutionary Changes

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Paleoanthropologist – A scientist who studies human evolution – they have developed a variety of ideas concerning how environmental conditions may have stimulated long-term human evolutionary alterations. Human evolution has involved the emergence of a diverse suite of species and an accumulation of adaptations, including bipedal walking, the capacity to make and depend on tools, brain enlargement, changes in growth, and the emergence of complex mental and social behaviour.

An important feature of Earth history during the period of human evolution is environmental change, including cooling, drying, and wider climate fluctuations over time. The question arises, then, how environmental change may have shaped the evolution of new adaptations …show more content…

Looking at evidence of climate change vs. evolution we can come to the conclusion that because of the change that occurred, man was able to evolve into the intellectual species that we are. Based on these climatic alterations we can establish that there will be further evolutionary changes and adaptations to the human species. The extent of these changes may be extremes within the next 5 million years. We can therefore forebode that due to the increase in global warming and further climatic alterations, humans will continue to evolve in such a way that physically we can cope with these variations and improve our mental capacity to search for solutions and try to understand further reasoning for our …show more content…

I am also interested to find out whether climatic differences may have altered Man's evolution and more specifically, why? What caused the process of evolution to occur in the way that it did? What effects will it have in the future? I intend to look at data depicting climatic changes and global occurrences from the last 5 million years that may have been recorded and how these affected the way in which evolution proceeded. My main motivation is one word. Diversity. For example if you look at 5 different related species of Primates - Chimpanzee, Orangutang, Gorilla, Baboon, and Monkey - they all have different intellectual capacity, yet are all so similar in the way their brains are constructed. Is the reason for these differences because of different climates or climatic occurrences? if so what is it that caused each species to be entirely different yet so alike? Using these questions as a basis for my research, I hope I am able to find links and clues to help solve this mystery. Not only will this research help me to understand the evolution of man, but also it will aid me in understanding evolution as a whole, much better than

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