Human Evolution

558 Words2 Pages

Dim Forest, Bright Chimps
In the article Dim Forest, Bright Chimps it talks about how close chimpanzees are to humans in terms of ingenuity. The authors first start the article by explaining how chimps would use stones or branches to crack open different types of nuts and how the chimpanzees know the right tool for the job. From here they go on to talk about how these chimpanzees would work as a group to hunt monkeys and that these chimps have a different method of hunting than other chimps. The last thing the authors talks about is how similar to humans chimps are when it comes to sharing food, using tools to get a job done, and working together to hunt. The article itself uses the group of chimps studied by the authors and the work of a person known as Jane Goodall to support their thoughts. This is relevant to human evolution because it tries to relate how our early hominid ancestors and chimpanzees were not that far apart in terms of behaviour.
Are we in Anthropodenial?
In the article Are we in Anthropodenial it talks about animals having human qualities. The author begins with a...

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