Huckleberry Finn Argumentative Essay

570 Words2 Pages

Ashley Simmons
Mrs. Brumbelow
American Lit. A
18 November 2014
Actions Speak Louder Than Word

Even though The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn is one of the most taught books in High school all across the country, have you ever seemed to ask yourself what Huck Finn learns as a person through his adventures? Huck seems to learn morality and humanitarianism more then most would. But is it enough for him to actually learn his lesson? Throughout the The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, Huck seems to battle his conscience. His conscience thinks the way society thinks. As a young white boy growing up in the south, he was raised during a very racist time and was raised to think a certain way. He investigates more into his conscience in a direction

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