Huck Finn Friendship Essay

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Mark Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is a story of friendship between two people who normally would never be together. At the time it was society’s standard that white was not supposed to be with black, unless in a free state. Thrown into a journey by circumstance, Jim, a runaway slave, and Huck Finn, a boy on his own, survive by learning to trust each other. Told through the voice of Huck, the story nevertheless provides insight into not only both characters’ perspectives but society’s, as well. Huck Finn, first introduced as a young boy who grows up with his abusive father, Pap, known as the town’s drunk. The Widow Douglas came to Huck’s rescue and took him in as her son, he couldn’t stand trying to be civilized. Huck …show more content…

Twain takes great pains in creating a shallow and a superstitious character who, while scared of what he doesn’t understand but willing to profit from it. Jim, growing up in a broken time period didn’t have it easy. Education for slaves was denied; masters would be enraged if their slaves outsmarted them. Not having an education hurt Jim in a way, Huck and Tom both played cruel jokes on him because they knew he wouldn’t fully understand what they were doing. However, as time passed, Huck had a change of heart and felt empathy toward Jim after hearing the lesson Jim taught him about trash, and soon started to befriend him. The turning point in the friendship is when Jim tells “Huck. I--I run off” (Twain 43), this is where pure instincts come in to save Jim and the friendship. Jim and Huck eventually affiliated themselves with one another as they started their journey down the mighty Mississippi to bring Jim to freedom. Jim personally had a lot on the line, having to trust a fourteen-year-old, potentially with his life. He had the assurance that Huck through the process would help him get to Cairo. Huck assured to Jim that wouldn’t tell anyone that he was transporting an African-American slave to a free

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