How and Why Rural Areas Have Changed

589 Words2 Pages

How and Why Rural Areas Have Changed

It is difficult to define the word “rural” as you just can’t tell

where rural begins anymore but people general have a common perception

of what rural areas are like which has been generated by the media.

This is known as the rural idyll because people usually see the

countryside how the media presents it, although this is not the case

anymore. And The rural area has changed dramatically over the last few

decades the traditional rural area has changed from a typically quiet

with traditional jobs in farming, pollution free, a small isolated

village to something similar to the city suburbs these rural villages

are know called Suburbanised villages this is because most former

rural villages have changed, for example suburbanised villages know

contain a lot more amenities, they are much bigger and are no longer

pollution free. Due to the growth of in cities and rural areas there

is no clear cut division between urban and rural areas now there is

only an urban-rural continuum this makes classifying urban and rural

areas a lot more difficult there are many causes for the increases of

population in some areas and the decreases of population in other

rural areas.

One of the major factors is counter urbanisation this is where there

is a loss in urban population due to the movement of urban population

to rural areas. Counter urbanisation creates major conflicts between

new and established residents established residents are practically

used to a close knit friendly community this soon fades as rural towns

become larger, also new residents don’t want to get involved in

community events as they would prefer to spend there time in the city.

Also local economy is an issue as the new residents move in and spend

most of their income in the city also due to the high demand for rural

housing, house prices rise dramatically; this in turn creates problems

for the less fortunate established residents as they can not afford

house in rural areas any more.

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